Drunken Nerdery

Cause D&D is more fun with Booze

Palace of the Twisted King

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Since my PCs are frequently roaming about the desert, I thought it would be cool to have some more complex random encounters for them while their making their way from city to city. I stumbled upon side-quest type encounter in Dungeon Magazine (#116) “Palace of the Twisted King” that seemed to suit this purpose. Although I remained pretty faithful to the original layout, I made some modifications to the original design to suit my own aesthetic.

The plan is that they would seek shelter from a vicious sand storm in this ruined way station. However, the real terror for them begins that night as a group of “Meenlocks” torment them from their secret basement tunnels.

Here is the tunnel system that runs below the ruins. Its a very tight tunnel (only a couple feet wide and tall) and at the end is a cave where the Meenlocks dwell when they aren’t torturing unsuspecting passersby.  The * mark the spot where a secret entrance can be found in the ruin map (beneath the sand).

Both of these maps were made with CC3 and utilize objects which can be found in the CSUAC and Dunjinni Forums.  I also quickly combined the two in Photoshop.

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