Drunken Nerdery

Cause D&D is more fun with Booze

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New Adventure and Campaign Setting – “Bait And Switch”

I’ve just released the first adventure in a new campaign setting I am developing.  “Bait and Switch” is an adventure for 1-3 level PCs set in the “Mistwick Marshes”.  It is available for only $2 at DriveThruRPG and Paizo.

DNMM-01 - Cover  Mistwick Marshes

3.5 Compatible Adventure for 4 PCs of levels 1-3

The story begins with the party experiencing a prophetic dream that provides clues about the adventure before them. While traversing through the marsh, they encounter a frightened little girl who pleads with them to escort her home. is simple task become a dangerous expedition that includes a run-in with a Boggard scouting party and a nefarious trap set by a Harpy.  The PCs will eventually reach the little girl’s home where they meet her mother and slowly begin to realize that all is not what it seems. e lost in the woods routine was just a rouse aimed at luring the party to a Hag who seeks to create more Hagspawn.

This adventure is the first in a new campaign world (Mistwick Marshes) where the spirits of an ancient elvish civilization still roam the muggy swamp and don’t take kindly to those who seek to loot their ruins.  Settlers on the frontier face constant perils from dangerous monsters, insidious witches, and roaming barbarian gangs.

With this Purchase you get:

  • An Adventure book (18 pages) that includes:
    • Complete Stat Blocks for all creatures and GM Reference Maps as close to the description of the encounter as possible.
    • A new optional Dream Interpretation Skill (“Visare”) to add a prophetic quality to your game experience
  • A Map Book (33 pages) that includes:
    • Ready to Print, scaled (5′ = 1″) letter sized, multiple page PDFs in color for all combat encounters.  No need to mess with printer settings – just print, cut the white margins, and glue/tape together so that the overlapping parts match for a seamless map.
  • Zip file contains:
    • Full sized JPGs for all encounters to use with your favorite VTT or to take to your local print shop.