Drunken Nerdery

Cause D&D is more fun with Booze

Nob Biranit – Desert Fort

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I bought an ebook (“Compact Castles”). The book is over 80 pages of detailed floor plans and descriptions for 15 different real world small castles around the world. It value easily exceeds the $8 I spent on it and I would highly recommend it to everyone interested in creating maps of smaller castles and forts.


I was so excited with the purchase that I recreated one of the Desert Forts profiled in it (Nob Biranit was a fort in ancient Israel). I created it in CC3 and utilized a bunch of objects found in the CSUAC and Dunjinni Forums…I then put all 3 floors together and added some text in Photoshop.


In retrospect, I probably should’ve expanded the size of the rooms a bit for game play (but real world forts were apparently really quite small). I also should’ve added a water source and stables (for camels) either inside or outside…but I think it will still make for a cool encounter for my PCs.

Nob Biranit - Desert Fort

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